What do Creationists and Conspiracy Theorists have in common?


What do people who believe in creationism and people who believe in conspiracy theories have in common? According to a new study the correlation is Teleological thinking. What the heck is that? OK, more on that in a second. First, let’s think briefly about why knowing about this matters. Understanding how we as humans can be … Read more

Alex Jones – Reaping a Well-earned reward

The reality of actions having consequences is fast catching up with Alex Jones. Back last April I was writing about the well-deserved defamation suits that he was being served with. Today there are several updates to bring you up to speed on. Initial Hearings for the Defamation Suits As was perhaps anticipated, nobody is rolling … Read more

Why do people believe in Conspiracy theories?

Whenever something dramatic happens, for example 9/11 or a school shooting, you are more or less guaranteed to find somebody popping up to explain that it is all part of some plot, and that behind this event there are puppet masters pulling the strings manipulating events. It’s supposedly a conspiracy of epic proportions. The Puppet … Read more

Why do people believe Conspiracy Theories?

There are moments when many eyes turn and focus on something dramatic. The recent example familiar to most will have been the utterly tragic shooting in Las Vegas that resulted in so much trauma (58 people dead and 546 were injured). Most will correctly attribute this to be the senseless act of one lone wolf … Read more

Las Vegas victim threatened by conspiracy theorists

Canadian Braden Matejka narrowly escaped death in the Las Vegas shooting, and so his story along with many others became international news. Here he is briefly telling his story on CBC … He had a very very lucky escape and narrowly missed death by millimetres. Essentially the bullet grazed his skull. If he had been standing … Read more

There is going to be a Flat Earth conference

A local paper reports that Cary in North Carolina is going to host a conference of Flat Earth believers in Nov, and no doubt they will come flocking from all around the globe to attend. There are of course people who promote the idea, not because they actually believe, but simply for a laugh and … Read more

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