“Educating” Oklahoma with Jesus

Today we throw a spotlight on the quite frankly grubby little carnival show of raw stupidity that is going on over in Oklahoma. The ring master is of course Christian nationalistic fanatic Ryan Walters, the duly elected Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction since 2023. A Previous notable hit from this religious huckster within his previous role as … Read more

Property Rights vs Sexual Abuse … Property Wins – WTF!

This is a posting about a recent Louisiana legal ruling that is quite frankly bizarre. It concerns a push against the victims of sexual abuse and involves shutting them out of the legal process. Children who are Victims of sexual abuse were thrown a lifeline when various states passed the Child Victims Act. Here for … Read more

Why is North Dakota Rep Brandon Prichard Tweeting crazy stuff?

There is the “Wait, he just tweeted what” category, and then there is a whole new advanced level beyond it that North Dakota Rep Brandon Prichard has decided is his own personal domain of religiously inspired lunacy. All who are active on twitter will most probably at some point tweet something crassly stupid. When others … Read more

Solid Proof that Parachutes Don’t Work

Let’s make something clear up front, this article is not actually about Parachutes. There is something far more serious coming up, so stick with me here. I will however say that the parachute study is quite real. Within the British Medical Journal there is research paper titled “Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma … Read more

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