Islam, the religion of peace, slaughters more

Once again, Islam, “The religion of peace”, has added to its endless body count. Today it has been reported that a couple in northern Afghanistan were stoned to death … why? … Simply because some false medieval prophet thought that it might be a good idea, because God told him so. The BBC news web … Read more

Is Atheism a Belief?

Back in the days when I was a believer in all sort of stuff I well remember one argument I personally used was that Atheism was just another form of belief. I was not alone in thinking like this, its a very common argument (amongst believers) and I recently came across it once again during … Read more

Is the Core Christian Message true?

This is very controversial for some. It is also very difficult to tackle without it sounding like a bit of a rant no matter what position you take, so instead of the more traditional approach of outlining lots of issues, I’ll strip away all the religious words and come up with a basic and simple … Read more

How to cope with Westboro Baptist Wingnuts

The Westboro Baptist church truly push the boat of intolerance far out into uncharted territories and are best known for picketing funerals. Yes, you did indeed read that correctly, under the cover of the US first amendment right to freedom of speech they excel at being truly offensive by turning up at funerals and holding … Read more

Speaking in Tongues – The real story

As proof that ‘God’ has poured out his spirit, there is a manifestation known as “Speaking in Tongues”. Those seeing it for the first time sometimes find it to be a bit creepy or bizarre, especially if they don’t know what is going on. It usually happens during times of open prayer within Pentecostal churches … Read more

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