Today is Darwin Day

The 12th February is officially International Darwin day. I tend to have a Charles Darwin posting up to mark the occasion, and so here are a few samples from previous years … 2015: Was Darwin a racist, and does evolution promote racism? – #DarwinDay (Hint … No) 2016: Why is Today Darwin Day and what is … Read more

Debunking 5 common Darwin myths – #DarwinDay

Today is officially International Darwin day. No seriously, it really is, I’m not making that up, the 12th February is officially Darwin day. It was chosen because Charles Darwin was born on 12th February 1809, and so it is celebrated all around the world today. Celebrating the life and works of Charles Darwin goes right … Read more

Why is Today Darwin Day and what is happening?

You might, or perhaps might not, be aware, but today (12th February) is Darwin day. This is an officially recognised day that is celebrated worldwide every 12th February, the day that Charles Darwin was born, and the aim is not simply to celebrate his contribution to our understanding about Evolution and hence our origins, but to … Read more

Darwin’s letter of disbelief

On 23rd November 1880, Charles Darwin received a letter from a barrister named FA McDermott. Within it he was asked to bluntly state if he did or did not believe… Sir, The reason of my intrusion—which I trust you will pardon—is this. I have a great desire to read your books—the more so after finding (in his Life … Read more

Was Darwin a racist, and does evolution promote racism? – #DarwinDay (Hint … No)

Was Darwin a racist? A claim often asserted by some is that not only does Evolution endorse and promote racism, but also that Charles Darwin himself was a racist and openly labelled native Africans and Australians, as a savage, sub-species. In fact, some have even attempted to incarnate this belief within law. In 2001 , US State … Read more

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