Essay: Religious Belief – Charles Darwin

Religious Belief – Charles Darwin The following extract is taken from the Autobiography of Charles Darwin (Page 85 … you can find it on-line here). In this extract he talks about his religious belief. DURING THESE two years [October 1836 to January 1839] I was led to think much about religion. Whilst on board the … Read more

Creationist Propaganda – The Deceivers

In the middle of an on-line debate a couple of days ago, I made the factual observation that there were zero scientific papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals that supported intelligent design. As a response by a Creationist, I was sent the following “evidence” that is apparently proof that evolution has now been discredited … The … Read more

Darwin’s Secret experiment

Wow, its not a slow news day is it, this also is fascinating … Charles Darwin’s ecological experiment on Ascension isle By Howard Falcon-Lang Science reporter, BBC News A lonely island in the middle of the South Atlantic conceals Charles Darwin’s best-kept secret. Two hundred years ago, Ascension Island was a barren volcanic edifice. Today, … Read more

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