Catholic cardinal declares a boycott: I’d personally be embarrassed if he turned up

The Irish premier, Enda Kenny, who leads the Fine Gael-Labour coalition in Ireland that currently holds the seat of power in Ireland, is off on a visit to Boston College to address graduates at the 137th annual Boston College Commencement Exercises on 20 May. In response to this official engagement an American Catholic cardinal, Sean O’Malley, has said he will boycott the visit.

Why? – Well apparently because Mr Kenny’s government in Dublin is “aggressively promoting abortion legislation”. Really? … nope, that is (as usual) a lie, his coalition is in fact preparing a law to allow abortions where a woman’s life is at risk if pregnancy continues, or in circumstances where she is suicidal. That change in the law is a response to the death of Ms. Halappanavar, a lady who died because she was denied a life-saving abortion due to the imposition of religious dogma.

So anyway … the cardinal has decided he will not be attending. I don’t think he quite grasps how things have changed, if I was in Enda Kenny’s shoes, I’d personally be quite relieved not to have him turn up; having a representative from a religious cult that has inflicted so much abuse and then conspired to cover it all up, is not exactly very inspiring. If he had decided to attend, I’m not sure he would have been all that welcome.

He appears to be suffering from a delusion that he holds sort sort of high moral ground, and completely fails to recognise the moral bankruptcy within his own ranks.

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