Why do well-educated smart people reject scientific ideas?

There is a rather interesting article in Edge that has been written by Paul Bloom, a psychologist at Yale University, and also Deena Skolnick Weisberg, a doctoral candidate in psychology at Yale University. The paper is entitled “WHY DO SOME PEOPLE RESIST SCIENCE?”, and is in fact a modified version of a paper published in Science entitled … Read more

Increasing the flow of information – the rise of new forms of education on a new scale

The printing press dramatically transformed our world, and so now the Internet is doing the same right across many industries. Information that was once locked away is starting to flow out to all of us. Today’s example of this is an educational one. MIT-Harvard was once the exclusive preserve of those rich enough to gain entry, … Read more

Religious discrimination in a secular culture

The recession in the UK (are we allowed to call it that) has motivated the powers that be to seriously consider finding god. Well not quite, what they are doing is starting to look upon religious groups as potential service providers. The most obvious example is of course education. Many non-believers are eager for their offspring to enroll within Church schools simply because they have better exam results, and perhaps also with the thought that they will be instilled with good moral guidance. I need not point out the reality, but what the heck, I’ll do so anyway:

How YouTube is popularising science

[Cut and pasted from a Guardian article here]

Brian Cox is brilliant for science popularity, but TV is not the only means to communicate science. James Grime explains how small videos are making a big difference to the reach of science.

I have been recognised four times now. Four times! I knew you would be impressed. And what has brought me such notoriety? Is it my fancy suits, my outrageous tabloid lifestyle, or is it my world famous impression of a teapot? No. I make videos about maths on YouTube.

I am one of a growing number of science communicators on YouTube, and I know many readers could be doing the same. If there is a subject you’re passionate about, whatever it is, I want to invite you to join us. In the meantime, here is a favourite video of mine about a surprising mathematical game called non-transitive dice.

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Why teach evolution? – NCSE – YouTube – NatCen4ScienceEd

With a hat tip to the Richard Dawkins net for this one …. if you are in any way involved in teaching science, then these folks can help you. At the recent NSTA conference, Steve Newton talked about the central role evolution must play in science education, why biology teachers are hesitant to teach evolution, … Read more

Evan Harris – On Teaching RE in schools

There is a great article in todays Guardian by Evan Harris (Previously a Liberal MP, secularist, and is very science friendly)… Is science teaching undermined by religious instruction in faith schools? The evolution-creationism debate in schools must be about religious education lessons not just science lessons. This is my blueprint for better RE From time … Read more

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