It would appear to be rather inevitable that whenever something tragic happens, up will pop some religious person to utilise it as a soapbox for the promotion of a specific religious stance, and so up pops Ken Ham from Answers in Genesis to explain it as follows …
starting from the history recorded in God’s Word we know that this earthquake is not the result of a crash 25 million years ago and slow and gradual processes ever since. Instead, when we start with the history recorded in God’s Word, we know that this earthquake is one of the tragic consequences of the Fall and the global Flood of Noah’s day.
You see, God’s original creation did not contain earthquakes or any other natural disasters. When God saw all that He had made over Creation Week, He called it “very good”
… and what follows is more of his specific religious babble. Clearly geology is not his thing.
OK, so let’s turn this back around, and I’ll now use his bizarre stance as a platform to launch an appeal.
Please pause and understand that real help is needed, and so please do consider making a donation.
Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Once of my favourite charities is Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), they do not have a specific Nepal appeal, but have instead deployed their available resources right now to assist on the ground as follows …
- MSF currently has approximately 61 staff working in Nepal, based primarily in Kathmandu and Ghorka.
- A team is conducting mobile clinic activities by helicopter in the mountains to the north of Kathmandu, including Langtang valley and Rasuwa district. They have so far seen around 30 patients. They are also assessing the patient needs in a number of other villages in the area.
- Another team has assessed the situation in Bhaktapur (east of Kathmandu), which has experienced significant destruction. They are supporting the hospital and have performed five surgeries so far. We are still assessing the potential capacity of the hospital.
- A nurse and a doctor are providing support in the medical evacuation of patients from Larpak in Ghorka district.
- A team is assessing the location to set up an inflatable hospital, designed specifically to operate in disaster situations.
- Two-hundred-and-forty shelter kits have been distributed to help those people staying in makeshift shelters in the open-air.
- Sanitation conditions are concerning, there are no latrines and water is scarce.
You can find out more about our response to date from Dr Prince Mathew, who is working in Nepal
ACTION: Please consider donating to MSF (Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières).
- http://www.msf.org.uk/make-a-donation
Why MSF?
Basically because they are completely neutral …
Médecins Sans Frontières provides assistance to populations in distress, to victims of natural or man-made disasters and to victims of armed conflict. They do so irrespective of gender, race, religion, creed or political convictions
It need not be MSF
There are plenty of others out there doing a fantastic job, so if MSF is not your preferred choice, please do consider an alternative.