
Source: New York Times — Aug 6, 2010 Two research reports published Friday offer novel approaches to the age-old dream of regenerating the body from its own cells. By inactivating two genes that work to suppress tumors, a research group at Stanford University got mouse muscle cells to revert to a younger state, start dividing and … Read more

Insights on healthy aging

[This is a repost from the Harvard Gazette … original here] Harvard researchers have uncovered a mechanism through which caloric restriction and exercise delay some of the debilitating effects of aging by rejuvenating the connections between nerves and the muscles that they control. The research, conducted in the labs of Joshua Sanes and Jeff Lichtman, … Read more

How to cope with Westboro Baptist Wingnuts

The Westboro Baptist church truly push the boat of intolerance far out into uncharted territories and are best known for picketing funerals. Yes, you did indeed read that correctly, under the cover of the US first amendment right to freedom of speech they excel at being truly offensive by turning up at funerals and holding … Read more

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