Can you spot Fake News? (Try the quiz to test your skills) #factitious

The enabler of Fake News is that humans respond to information at an emotional level. We might indeed criticise “them” for living inside an information bubble, but the truth is that we are all as individuals crafting echo chambers to one degree or another by selecting information that agrees with our preconceived views and resisting … Read more

Trump as Julius Caesar causes outrage from Trump Supporters

Shakespeare in the Park is a long tradition in New York and so this year they put on a production of Julius Caesar. To connect with the audience they made it relevant by dressing up in modern clothes and having a Julius Caesar character that was rather familiar. Lois Beckett writing in the Guardian describes … Read more

Megyn Kelly’s Alex Jones interview

Megyn Kelly, in the role of an NBC anchor, has recorded an interview with Alex Jones. Where this attracts attention is that there has been a complete shitstorm even though it has not yet been broadcast. Both names are perhaps familiar. Megyn Kelly quit Fox News and joined NBC last January. Her latest thing is to … Read more

Poll: Nearly 6 in 10 oppose Trump scrapping Paris agreement

Let’s start with a quick reality check, this is about the results of one poll, so please do digest with a pinch of salt even if you do like what it says. So the Washington Post reports the details of a poll they ran. Just to be wholly transparent here, this is not one of those self-reporting polls … Read more

Why has politics taken a left-hand turn into the twilight zone? – #trump

We live in a truly bizarre time. When hearing on Sky News that the Whitehouse was on lockdown because somebody had climbed over the fence, I did wonder if it was somebody trying to get out, and to be honest who could blame them if it was. As a reflection of just how crazy things … Read more

#Dilbert goes full #climate denial in latest strip

#Dilbert does office politics. Unfortunately, Scott Adams, the guy who draws the strip is not only a rather vocal Trump supporter, but he is also a science denier. Here is the strip that was just published 14th May in which Dilbert goes full science denial … The first few panels are fine, its the last three … Read more

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