Happy 91st Birthday Stan Lee

If you have no idea who Stan Lee is … well, you can stop reading now … that’s OK.

On the other hand, if you do know who is he, then you will know that he is now 91 and still rolling as he always did … (yes, OK, my inner geek is popping out and taking me in a completely different direction today).

If you are still wondering “Who? … then I guess I better explain. He is essentially (perhaps) the prime architect of your entire childhood and all the dreams associated with it.


OK, I’ll spell it out a bit … he is a comic book writer, editor, publisher, media producer, television host, actor, voice actor and former president and chairman of Marvel Comics, or to put all that another way, he invented and dreamed up  Spider-Man, the Hulk, the Fantastic FourIron ManThorX-Men, and many others, and so here is the man himself …


Oh and least you wonder, he is also a rather decent human being as well. He started the Stan Lee Foundation with a focus on literacy, education and the arts. Its stated goals include supporting programs and ideas that improve access to literacy resources, as well as promoting diversity, national literacy, culture and the arts.

He also has a wonderful sense of humor and enjoys the various cameos and will often, in a rather Hitchcock style, pop up in the various Marvel movies. For example …


2000 X-Men Hotdog Stand Vendor Cameo
2002 Spider-Man Man Saving Girl Cameo
2003 Daredevil Man Crossing Street Cameo
Hulk Security Guard Cameo
2004 Spider-Man 2 Man Saving Innocent Person Cameo
Comic Book: The Movie Himself Cameo
2005 Fantastic Four Willie Lumpkin Cameo
2006 X-Men: The Last Stand Waterhose Man Cameo
2007 Spider-Man 3 Man in Times Square Cameo
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Himself Cameo
2008 Iron Man Himself (Hugh Hefner) Cameo
The Incredible Hulk Hapless Citizen Cameo
2010 Iron Man 2 Himself (Larry King) Cameo
2011 Thor Pickup Truck Driver Cameo
Captain America: The First Avenger General Cameo
2012 The Avengers Random Citizen Cameo
The Amazing Spider-Man Librarian Cameo
2013 Iron Man 3 Beauty Pageant Judge Cameo
2013 Thor: The Dark World Mental ward patient (credited as “Himself”) Cameo

Oh OK, one final question might also pop up (in the context of my blog) … Is he a theist? … in a word Nope.

So anyway, if you happen to find yourself with a glass of something at sometime in the next day or two, then do take a moment to raise it quietly and salute the author of your childhood dreams, and wish him a happy, but slightly belated, 91st birthday.



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