Why has politics taken a left-hand turn into the twilight zone? – #trump

We live in a truly bizarre time. When hearing on Sky News that the Whitehouse was on lockdown because somebody had climbed over the fence, I did wonder if it was somebody trying to get out, and to be honest who could blame them if it was. As a reflection of just how crazy things … Read more

#Dilbert goes full #climate denial in latest strip

#Dilbert does office politics. Unfortunately, Scott Adams, the guy who draws the strip is not only a rather vocal Trump supporter, but he is also a science denier. Here is the strip that was just published 14th May in which Dilbert goes full science denial … The first few panels are fine, its the last three … Read more

Accelerated Carbon Dioxide emissions from Alaskan tundra

A new study has exposed the reality of a fear that has existing for some time. As the permafrost increasingly thaws the organic carbon that is trapped there gets released. A new study of this in Alaska has revealed that this is exactly what is now happening. A paper that describes this study is available on PNAS, and is … Read more

Claim: Pastor trying to walk on water at the Crocodile River gets eaten by 3 crocodiles

And this week’s Darwin award for doing something so catastrophically stupid that you end up dying before you can breed and thus enrich the gene pool is … Zimbabwe Pastor trying to walk on water at the Crocodile River gets eaten by 3 crocodiles  A pastor from a local church in White River Mpumalanga died this … Read more

Top 3 Weekly Weird Religious News Items

When some deeply religious people complain that they don’t like being laughed at, it is often pointed out that the rather obvious solution is that they should stop broadcasting some utterly daft ideas and claims in public. Was this advice adhered to during the past week? Nope, and so here is my pick from the week. Item … Read more

US Spring 2017 has been very weird #Climate #USANPN #statusofspring

Back last March I had a posting about spring 2017 being very very early in the US. It is now May and so it is appropriate to check back in with the USA-NPN (USA National Phenology Network) and see how things have been blossoming since then. Side Note: “Phenology” is tracking the dates of biological events in their annual cycle. For example … Read more

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