Nicholas Winton – The hero who saved the lives of 669 children during WWII

Back in 1938, Nicholas Winton was a 29-year-old London stockbroker, who on a visit to Prague became aware of the looming war and also the Kristallnacht, the bloodypogrom (violent attack) against German and Austrian Jews on the nights of November 9 and 10, 1938, so he decided to take steps to help … “I found out that … Read more

Kenny Thompson – A decent human being

From Uintah Elementary School in the Salt Lake City School District comes the appalling news that a few dozen students where refused lunch because their school lunch accounts did not have enough money in them … Fifth-grader Sophia Isom, Lukes’ daughter, was met by a district nutrition manager who was monitoring accounts. “So she took my … Read more

Human Rights and the UN – Hypocrisy incarnate

The UN has a Human Rights Council, UNHRC, an inter-governmental body within the United Nations system made up of 47 States responsible for the promotion and protection of all human rights around the globe. Now that is a really fantastic thing to have, the fact that humans have agreed to create such an entity is truly … Read more

2013 was a good year for humanity … 2014 will be even better

The Spectator has a fascinating article that explains (with facts) why things really are getting better with each passing year, and illustrates why 2013 has in fact been the very best year ever for humanity. Beliefs often promote the opposite claim, and assert how much more evil the world is becoming … end times, wars, … Read more

Shocking News: “Parents Put 16 Year Old Daughter Up For Adoption After Learning She is Gay”

This is a truly shocking bit of news, I can well imagine religious people doing crazy stuff but this truly takes the biscuit. As reported here, A Southern Carolina couple have made national news by being the first parents to put their child up for adoption due to their sexuality. Usually parents give up their … Read more

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